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Protección de datos


Through this site no personal information from visitors is collected nor stored without their knowledge, nor provided to third parties, adapting this way to the provisions of Law (Ley Orgánica) 15/1999 of the 13th of December on “Protección de Datos de Caracter Personal” (Personal Data Protection), Law 34/2002 dated the 11th of July on “Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico” (Society’s Information Services and Electronic Commerce) and any other applicable regulations.

In this regard, the only section of the website where personal data is currently collected is when the customer agrees to register on the website, either to confirm an order or to receive any information about promotions or any reference related with the sale and promotion of our products.

In compliance with article 5 of the Spanish Personal Data Protection Law (Ley Orgánica 15/1999) dated on the 13th of December, we hereby inform you of the existence of a file and/or a Personal Data processing owned by Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L., addressed at Av. de Egüés, 62, 1º C, 31620 Gorraiz, Navarra (Spain), which purpose is to establish communications with the customers registered.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your data by turning to the address mentioned. To this end, Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L. has forms available to articulate those rights and will be provided if requested.

Although the Spanish Agency for Data Protection considers IP as personal information, the owner of this website, can not gather them on its own, nor intends to do so unless any damage is caused, any information regarding the Internet connection’s owner, being these data saved and used only for the control and implementation of web statistics and in compliance of the provisions on the LSSI. The policy on access to these IPs is set out in paragraph “Personal data treatment”.