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Raul Tudon Series

Raul Tudon Marimba 1 Very Soft

Wooden treated shaft / Length: 39 cm
Rattan shaft: 38,5 cm, +6 €
Interior head: very soft rubber
Sound: round sound
Wool tension: normal
Weight: +/- 39-40 gr

Raul Tudon Marimba 2 Soft

Wooden shaft / Length: 39 cm
Rattan shaft: 38.5 cm,+6 €
Interior head: soft rubber,
Sound: round and very comprehensive
Wool tension: normal
Weight: +/- 39-40 gr

Raul Tudon Marimba 3 Medium

Wooden shaft / Length: 39 cm
Rattan shaft: 38.5 cm,+6 €
Interior head: medium rubber,
Sound: round and very comprehensive
Wool tension: normal
Weight: +/- 39-40 gr

Raul Tudon 4 Medium - Hard

Wooden shaft / Length: 39 cm
Rattan shaft: 38.5 cm, +6 €
Interior head: medium hard rubber
Wool tension: normal
Weight: +/- 39-40 gr

Raul Tudon 5 Hard

Wooden treated shaft / Length: 39 cm
Rattan shaft: 38.5 cm +6 € set 4 mallets
Interior head: hard rubber
Wool tension: Normal
Weight: +/- 39-40 gr

Raul Tudon 6 Very Hard

Wooden treated shaft / Length: 39 cm
Rattan shaft: 38.5 cm +6 €
Interior head: harder rubber
Wool tension: normal
Weight: +/- 39-40 gr
